Gifts in Heartbreak, Gifts of Devastation, Gifts in Adversity.

“For decades, I searched for love.

I found love for a brief moment.

I tasted love to know what it feels like.

Pure bliss. Joy!

Then love brutally left me!

It took me 20 yrs to ReLease heartbreak.

Over time, I grudgingly Accepted the Gifts in Adversity.

I realized that the Lover I sought was always under my nose.

Within me!

I AM the lover I sought!



Farina Reinprecht


I am a survivor of the South African Apartheid Regime. My reasons for online writing…

I am a survivor of the South African Apartheid Regime. I lived in hiding from 1976 till 1994, fearing arrest for an inter-racial marriage.

As a social advocate, speaker, writer and visual artist, I share my experiences and words on human challenges to enlighten; to offer validation and empowerment. I hope to inspire perseverance. For me, online writing is an ongoing dance. I share through words, visual art and poetry/the spoken word.

Visual Art, painting and my love for all things beautiful – landscapes, architecture, home design, fashion, and bling balances me. Gives me joy!

After much trials and tribulations, I am seeing GRACE at work in my life. I am humbled. I am grateful.


Gift of Love.

Gift of Love!

With love

I challenge feelings and thoughts.

As you do mine.

Receive my gifts as love

As I do yours.

Even when my words stir strong emotions.

Anger or rage

Resistance or resentment.

Know that I offer you love.

Spiritual evolution is HARD work.

It is a lifetime effort.

Both,  positive and negative experiences

Play important roles

For humanity to Awaken.

This is human evolution.

It takes a TEAM to get us to the goal post.



God is the Engine AND the Driver. I am one of His instruments. Emotional pain is the fuel. My faith IS the POWER behind my words and efforts. As a human being, I get support and strength from humanity. Positive feedback keeps me writing. Thank you all. Blessings.




Battling the demon within.

Lured by fashion and style

Color and fabric

Vanity overtakes her.

Compliments stimulate her passion for style

Glitter and leather

Studded belts and beaded frocks

And denim with diamante stones.

Sexy, plat-form shoes to gain much needed inches

Awkward and hurting.



Yet, her thirst for height is an eternal quest.

Blinding herself with bling and more bling

To shut out global conflict

Human suffering.

Images of the starving haunts.

Guilt ridden.

Consumed by her love of all things beautiful

She drowns her sorrows and regrets.

Bling, Bling, Bling!

A guilty pleasure.



A Tribute to an Angel – Garfield

Farina Reinprecht changed her profile photo.

Shared publicly  –  Sep 29, 2013

A Tribute to Garfield, Our Cat.
As immigrants with no extended family, we are deeply affected by Garfield’s passing. He filled the gap left by the lack of family. He supported and comforted us. Twenty years later, he was still handsome! Garf was smart and independent. He loved Kentucky chicken. He loved outdoor adventures. Whenever his soul partner returned home, he’d run to him, stretch his fore-legs up to be carried, just like a toddler does! Then he would talk and complain, clearly expressing his gripes!  Following his human partner around the house, determined to be with him. Garf slept with his body partially over his partner’s face and head; or curled up around his partner’s neck like an orange fur collar. Totally trusting the one who adored him. He was #a warrior with a torn ear to prove that he was #the best unpaid rat catcher in the neighborhood. He could be aggressive, scratching “intruders,” who encroached on “his” territory. Like humans, Garf became forgetful and nervous in his old age. He could no longer cope with Coco, our playful and hyper Cocker Spaniel/Beagle. I stood between the two several times a day, so that Garfield felt safe enough to pass by, en-route to his out door activities. Garf was family. A blessing. He is missed.

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#All it takes is a Quarter

Just the other day

My daughter graced your doorstep

A basket in hand.

Little parcels of fresh goodies

Baked by her little hands.

#Eagerly, she awaited the sale.

#You said no.

She tried your neighbor.

Once again the answer was a resounding no.

She tried another door and another.

The answer was still no.

#She came home crushed.

#Her hopes dashed.

#Your quarter would have filled her with pride.

#Your praise would have helped her strive to greater heights.

#You lost a chance to make a difference

#To your own future.

She could have been a leader some day.

She could be a family member.

#She may even be an answer to a prayer.


Image even be an answer to a


Awesome! Inspiring! Wise! Decades of Action For Youth!

Awesome! Exciting. Check Out the website.

“Limerick Youth Service was founded in 1973 under the joint patronage of the Bishops of Limerick. Over the years, this voluntary organisation has grown into the country’s largest local Youth Service, offering a range of personal and social development and recreational opportunities to young people throughout Limerick City and County.

Limerick Youth Service is recognised as a leading provider for of a variety of quality programmes for young people. We work in partnership with a number of national and regional organisations including Youth Work Ireland, SOLAS, HSE, Dept. of Justice and Equality, Youthreach, Limerick City and County Councils, Limerick & Clare Education & Training Board, Dept of Children and Youth Affairs along with many voluntary and community groups.

We support Youth Clubs, Youth Cafés, Special Projects for Youths (SPY), Limerick City & County Comhairle na nÓg, Garda Youth Diversion Projects, Youth and Family Intervention Programmes, YouthBank, a Local Training Initiative, a Youth Information Service & more.

We provide vocational and educational training programmes including Youthreach & Leaving Cert Applied, for early school leavers at our Community Training Centre and other youth spaces.

We work with over 3,000 young people annually and since 1973 1.2 million young people have used our services.

Now in our 40th year Limerick Youth Service remains committed to support and encourage young people to be active citizens in shaping their futures.”




Children and youth ARE the future decision makers!

Imagine the delight of a child who receives a cheerful, bright orange,

In poverty-ridden; war- torn; natural disaster ground-zero zones or refugee camps!
Perhaps, for the first time in their lives!
Eyes opened wide in awe…
Deeply, inhaling the citric scent.
Licking the outer skin.
Sinking teeth into the thick skin of the orange.
Getting the first spritz of citrus nectar.
Chuckling as the first juices spurt, like silent fireworks.
Imagine the child’s joy when getting a mouthful of sweet, juicy flesh.
Imagine the child greedily gouging orange AND skin.
Imagine the child dripping, sticky and happy!
Brain nourished.
Hope is re-affirmed.

Farina Reinprecht



Peace is a Decision. Peace is A Choice. Peace is An Action!

Acknowledgement of Human Right Violations promotes healing. Reconciliation liberates.

* While there is wisdom in both statements above, we would be naive to think that Peace Initiatives, Acknowledgement of Human Right Violations and Reconciliation programs heal unimaginable and incomprehensible wounds; major injustices, mass injustices, oppression, global violence, natural disasters and new diseases.










#CNN Hero #Award Winner #Doc Hendley, a #Caucasian #American man has #Helped #Provide #Clean Water to ##15 Countries – #Uganda – #Muslims and a #Mosque!

“Doc Hendley, a Caucasian American man has helped provide clean water to more than 150,000 people in 15 countries, including Uganda – Muslims and a Mosque! This is Humanity at Work! This is Unconditional Love; Compassion at Work!  This is the Way to Peace.

“Doc Hendley: It takes many women and children four and five hours, every single day, just to get water. And then it’s absolutely filthy, and it’s making their children sick. Diarrhea kills more children under 5 than AIDS, malaria and measles combined. And 88% of (those) deaths are caused by poor sanitation, unsafe drinking water and poor hygiene.” CNN World



The Stigma of Mental Illness Imprisons Humanity from Recovery and Empowerment.

“God works in mysterious ways! The Stigma of Mental Illness Imprisons Humanity. Holds us back  from Recovery and Empowerment. Think! Perhaps, Thamsanqa Jantjiep, the sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela’s “global” memorial, has become an unwitting, global Ambassador for Mental Illness and Schizophrenia?”



Behind the Scenes – The Life of a Worker

I rush around, to and fro between house work and the computer!

In between reading online posts, responding to posts and writing,

I clean the house and the toilet. I shop for groceries and cook; burn brazing onions and store bought pizzas! And try to focus when family members speak or need attention. The ant on the wall is entertained by the human comedy! Human Choices? Human Tragedy? Stress!

This post is a tiny perspective on the lives of working wives, mothers, daughters; women and even some men!


#Human Right Violations

“There are the “usual” life adversities.Then we have human right violations or genocides of the mind and body; mass genocide of self esteem, self worth and confidence. Even though there is wisdom in forgiveness, untimely, insensitive or clumsy talk of forgiveness triggers instantaneous transference i.e. takes us right back to the moment or period of our ordeals. Platitudes or brush-offs “imprison” wounds. When a survivor attempts to express his or her experiences; wounds, simply say, I hear you. There is much power in this approach. For more…please see About on this blog.”


Farina Reinprecht