Children and youth ARE the future decision makers!

Imagine the delight of a child who receives a cheerful, bright orange,

In poverty-ridden; war- torn; natural disaster ground-zero zones or refugee camps!
Perhaps, for the first time in their lives!
Eyes opened wide in awe…
Deeply, inhaling the citric scent.
Licking the outer skin.
Sinking teeth into the thick skin of the orange.
Getting the first spritz of citrus nectar.
Chuckling as the first juices spurt, like silent fireworks.
Imagine the child’s joy when getting a mouthful of sweet, juicy flesh.
Imagine the child greedily gouging orange AND skin.
Imagine the child dripping, sticky and happy!
Brain nourished.
Hope is re-affirmed.

Farina Reinprecht


#CNN Hero #Award Winner #Doc Hendley, a #Caucasian #American man has #Helped #Provide #Clean Water to ##15 Countries – #Uganda – #Muslims and a #Mosque!

“Doc Hendley, a Caucasian American man has helped provide clean water to more than 150,000 people in 15 countries, including Uganda – Muslims and a Mosque! This is Humanity at Work! This is Unconditional Love; Compassion at Work!  This is the Way to Peace.

“Doc Hendley: It takes many women and children four and five hours, every single day, just to get water. And then it’s absolutely filthy, and it’s making their children sick. Diarrhea kills more children under 5 than AIDS, malaria and measles combined. And 88% of (those) deaths are caused by poor sanitation, unsafe drinking water and poor hygiene.” CNN World



The Stigma of Mental Illness Imprisons Humanity from Recovery and Empowerment.

“God works in mysterious ways! The Stigma of Mental Illness Imprisons Humanity. Holds us back  from Recovery and Empowerment. Think! Perhaps, Thamsanqa Jantjiep, the sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela’s “global” memorial, has become an unwitting, global Ambassador for Mental Illness and Schizophrenia?”
