Children and youth ARE the future decision makers!

Imagine the delight of a child who receives a cheerful, bright orange,

In poverty-ridden; war- torn; natural disaster ground-zero zones or refugee camps!
Perhaps, for the first time in their lives!
Eyes opened wide in awe…
Deeply, inhaling the citric scent.
Licking the outer skin.
Sinking teeth into the thick skin of the orange.
Getting the first spritz of citrus nectar.
Chuckling as the first juices spurt, like silent fireworks.
Imagine the child’s joy when getting a mouthful of sweet, juicy flesh.
Imagine the child greedily gouging orange AND skin.
Imagine the child dripping, sticky and happy!
Brain nourished.
Hope is re-affirmed.

Farina Reinprecht


#All it takes is a Quarter

Just the other day

My daughter graced your doorstep

A basket in hand.

Little parcels of fresh goodies

Baked by her little hands.

#Eagerly, she awaited the sale.

#You said no.

She tried your neighbor.

Once again the answer was a resounding no.

She tried another door and another.

The answer was still no.

#She came home crushed.

#Her hopes dashed.

#Your quarter would have filled her with pride.

#Your praise would have helped her strive to greater heights.

#You lost a chance to make a difference

#To your own future.

She could have been a leader some day.

She could be a family member.

#She may even be an answer to a prayer.


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